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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A letter a friend sent to PAYPAL!!!

Aceday , Digital Point

HI Everyone. About 6 months ago I was having a really bad day, so many things going wrong and so on. Then I heard that some money, I had used to buy a domain via paypal had been reversed for no apparent reason and without even notifying me this happened!!! This forced the domain people to delete it and it was bought by someone else a day later.

I was more than furious, I proceeded to login to my Paypal account only to be confronted by a message telling me they thought a 3rd party accessed my account and now it is limited. Now I knew this was all bullcrap and the real reason was cause I ahd logged in at a freinds house earliar that week.

So, Filled with more hatred towards paypal than you can ever imagine and inspired by the usual boredom, I decided to make up lots of crap and sent them the following email:

OH paypal why why why why do you torment me so!!!

I am only interested in using this for very small sums of money. AND I DEFINATLEY DO NOT WANT TO SEND U MY PASSPORT OR DRIVING LICENSE!!!

I should file a complaint about you the world court!!! This is nothing short of incompetence on your part Paypal!!!! The big guy stealing money from the little guy as usual!

I barely have 34cents to my name and now I have to add a Bank account to use your dreaded service!!!

You think locking my 500 bucks and taking my 10$ from dynadot wont do much damage, well you just destroyed my whole livelihood, without that dynadot domain I wont be paid by the company that commissioned me.

So how the hell do I pay me rent, or buy any food to feed my baby daughter.

What glimmer of hope I had in this world was truly extinguished as I saw that 'Notification of limited access'. Anyways, I don’t mean to go on, I will be committing suicide in exactly 52 minutes and when I sit in my car inhaling the deadly fumes, I will be sure to have a note in my hand reading the following 'Paypal did it'.

Good bye forever, I hope in the future you f***ers will take more consideration when destroying someone’s life.

Ps. enjoy that money you stole from me you b****rds!!!

After doing this, I went downstairs and turned on my TV and started watching some crap about hippos in captivity. Then about 35 minutes into my less than captivating session of TV watching the phone rang. I picked up expecting to hear a familiar voice when I was confronted with the voice of a woman, whom id never heard, she simply said ‘Hi I’m from Paypal USA, are you [My name]’. Quickly realising what was going on, I decided to indulge myself in a little drama and replied with the following ‘No, I’m his brother, do you want me to call him, I think he’s in the garage sorting out a few problems with his car’. No sooner had I finished my sentence, She began screaming to her colleagues ‘Oh my God, this guy was serious’, However I could sense the distress I was causing this woman and began feeling bad, but this did not stop me from continuing. She then read out my paypal address and asked if it was were we were, I said yes and she told me that someone was calling 911 to my house, to save time and that I should run to see to my brother because she had reason to believe he maybe attempting to commit suicide.

Now I began to panic, my childish little game had gone further than I ever intended but what could I do, the police and paramedics team were on there way. I sat down again on my couch and began pondering what I would say to them when they came.
However not too long before I heard the sirens approach my neighbourhood I swiftly realised I could simply laugh this off and lead the police to believe whoever called them to come was nothing more than someone wasting there time and maybe they should investigate this dejected precious police-time waster. This is what I did and after about 15minutes of silly chat with some fat policeman in his late forties, they where gone. Nevertheless, I was still intrigued about my paypal account, so I logged on and just as heartlessly as they limited it for no reason, they’d whole heartedly undone so without forcing me to go through all the crazy steps. I was at last and once and for all free of my Paypal induced hate.

I would also like to say. this actually happened and is all true, since then I now have a business verified account with paypal and everything runs smoothly.

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